Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Real First Post

Okay, so this blog is for my totally off-colour OTT OT ramblings, writing if I get to it-mostly prose, my poetry and lyrics suck badly but I can, or used to be able to, write a short-to-long story no sweat, gushing to cyberspace where no one will read it because if I think it's gross, chances are any friends I do have left will soon do the leaving thing too, quotes and lyrics I like, pictures and images that inspire me or I just don't want to lose because I need a basis for my tattoo artist, general national and international issues that annoy the hell out of me, asking everyone and no one at once for advice, venting...essentially it's going to be my new livejournal. Except I will try to take more pictures and upload them a lot faster.
Still haven't slept, still missing my guy, no one should miss someone this much after 3 dates. SRSLY. Now tell me that's simple infatuation with a touch of chemistry. I saw him Tuesday night. I am still convinced, with only circumstancial evidence, that I wound up with his leftover cheeseburger as a hint that I need to eat. I swear. As a junkfood junkie, I'd rather get a bacon cheeseburger at BK or a Bacon classic at Wendy's. I still wish they'd bring back the Monterey Ranch Chicken Sandwich at Wendy's. Those were good and I had an LJ user icon dedicated to the Ranch tooth.
"DUDE! TELL YOUR STUPID RANCH TOOTH TO SHUT UP!" Sorry but I laughed till I was either doubled over or crying with laughter at those ads. I'd say I'm 75% on wanting those ads back on and 25% on the actual sandwich.
Oh yes, I shall also review junk food in this blog because there's no such thing as too much-unless you're 700lbs, stuck-literally-to the sofa, need the wall of your house taken down to get you out, and you wash yourself with a rag on a stick!
Stay Thirsty My Friends!

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